United States
Maps & Population Facts

Residents per Sq. Mi.
Labor Participaton
Bachelor's or Higher
Median Household Income
Median Individual Income
Median Individual Income(Full-time Workers Only)

Housing Estimates

Median House Value
Median Gross Rent
Median Mortgage Payment
Housing Units
People who reside in the USA live in:
Detached - Single Family Homes
Apt, Condo, Other
Economic Analysis

The United States is one of the wealthiest nations in the world, but each area in the United States is uniquely different. There are large gaps in income, house prices and educational attainment from state to state.


Incomes in the United States are generally higher in the northeast. There are many major cities in the northeast including New York City, Boston and Philadelphia. In addition, there are large pockets of wealth outside of Washington DC, stretching into areas of Virginia and Maryland.

States with higher household incomes share common traits, including having a more educated population and having a major city located either within its borders or located close by.

Also vital to a state economy is having either a natural resource, a strong agricultural industry or a strong tourism industry.


House prices vary significantly from state to state. There are many factors that appear to contribute to house prices including population density and climate. In addition, house prices are generally higher near major cities and surrounding coastal areas.

Nationally, the west coast and the northeast generally have a higher cost of housing, while housing costs are more affordable in the Midwest and southern states.

Population Map of the US showing states with a higher population in red
Population Density
Population Density Map of the United States showing states with a higher population in red
Household Income
Household Income Map of the US showing states with a higher income in blue
Educational Attainment
Map of the USA showing each states by Educational Attainment.  States with a higher value in blue.
Home Values
USA Home Values Map.  States with higher home values in green.
Gross Rent
USA Rent Prices map showing showing the states with a higher gross rent in green
US Gross Domestic Product Map.  States with a higher GDP designated in blue.
Labor Participation
Map showing the United States by the Labor Force Participation Rate.

Housing Data

State Housing Comparison
Low Mid-Range High
Median Property Value 119,800 195,000 617,400
Median Mortgage Payment 984 1,366 2,348
Median Gross Rent 690 877 1,573
Property Vacancy 8% 13% 27%
% Renters 27% 34% 46%
Residents per Sq. Mi. 1.3 108 1,211
State Personal Comparison
Low Mid-Range High
Median Household Income 43,469 58,286 80,776
Median Individual Income 27,589 32,103 42,149
Median Income (Full-Time) 37,655 45,504 60,923
Median Age 31 38.4 44.6
Labor Participation 54.4% 62.9% 69.9%
Attained College Degree 20.2% 30.8% 43.4%


View States by:

Most Populated States

1. California 39,557,045
2. Texas 28,701,845
3. Florida 21,299,325
4. New York 19,542,209
5. Pennsylvania 12,807,060

Highest Household Income

1. Maryland 80,776
2. New Jersey 80,088
3. Hawaii 77,765
4. Massachusetts 77,385
5. Connecticut 74,168

Highest Home Value

1. Hawaii 617,400
2. California 509,400
3. Massachusetts 385,400
4. Colorado 348,900
5. Washington 339,000

Highest Gross Rent

1. Hawaii 1,573
2. California 1,447
3. Maryland 1,337
4. New Jersey 1,284
5. Colorado 1,240
State Rankings