Maps & Population Facts

Residents per Sq. Mi.
Labor Participaton
Bachelor's or Higher
Median Household Income
Median Individual Income
Median Individual Income(Full-time Workers Only)

Housing Estimates

Median House Value
Median Gross Rent
Median Mortgage Payment
Housing Units
People who reside in California live in:
Detached - Single Family Homes
Apt, Condo, Other

California is the most populated state in the United States and third largest by land area. The state is one of the largest economies in the world with a gross domestic product of about 3 trillion dollars. California plays a center role in the tech industry, with many of the largest tech companies in the world having their headquarters in the state. Agriculturally, California produces over 80 crops that generate between 25 million dollars to six billion dollars annually.

Residents of California earn more on average, but have one of the highest costs of living in the nation. California is the most expensive place to purchase a home in the continental United States.


Households in the state of California earn more money than the national median income, averaging 19% higher per household.


California has a median house price of $509,400, which makes it one of the most expensive places in the United States to own property. The cost of renting in California is 43% more than the national average.

Percent Ranking
Renter Occupied Households 45% 2nd
New Construction (Built after 2000) 15% 41st


The median age in the state is 37. The age of the general population in California is comparable with other US states.

California ranks better than average for having an educated population. The state has more college graduates per resident than most states.

Map showing where the population resides in California
Household Income
Map depicting areas of California with a higher household income
Home Value
Map illustrating home values in California
Vacant Property (%)
Map of California showing the areas with a higher percentage of vacant property

Housing Data

Housing Comparison
California USA
Median Property Value 509,400 217,600
Median Mortgage Payment 2,269 1,513
Median Gross Rent 1,447 1,012
Property Vacancy 8.3% 12.6%
% Renters 45% 36%
Residents per Sq. Mi. 254 93
Personal Comparison
California USA
Median Household Income 71,805 60,336
Median Individual Income 35,544 33,646
Median Income (Full-Time) 50,807 46,881
Median Age 36.5 38.1
Labor Participation 62.6% 62.8%
Attained College Degree 33.6% 32.0%

Population Density Analysis

The land area of California is:
the size of Rhode Island...
Visualization - Rhode Island
...the size of Texas
Visualization - Texas
California is 195 times more dense than Alaska...
People per Square Mile
Visualization - Alaska
...and is 21% the density of New Jersey.
People per Square Mile
Visualization - New Jersey


View California cities by:

Most Populated Cities

1. Los Angeles 2,593,246
2. San Diego 2,405,695
3. San Fernando Valley 1,856,209
4. San Jose 1,779,562
5. Anaheim-Santa Ana-Garden Grove 1,704,937

Highest Household Income

1. West Santa Clara 205,720
2. Triunfo Pass-Point Mugu 173,611
3. Llagas-Uvas 150,729
4. Lexington Hills 145,486
5. Tassajara 144,653

Highest Home Value

1. Southeast Marin 1,267,600
2. Bolinas 1,216,800
3. Santa Monica 1,168,500
4. San Mateo 1,132,500
5. Carmel-By-The-Sea 1,114,000

Highest Gross Rent

1. Triunfo Pass-Point Mugu 3,341
2. West Santa Clara 2,780
3. Toro Park 2,611
4. Agoura Hills-Malibu 2,263
5. Tassajara 2,194
View All Cities