Manchester By The Sea, MA
Maps & Population Facts
Population Density
Labor Participaton
Bachelor's or Higher
Median Household Income
Median Individual Income
Median Individual Income(Full-time Workers Only)
Housing Estimates
Median House Value
Median Gross Rent
Median Mortgage Payment
Housing Units
People who reside in Manchester By The Sea live in:
Detached - Single Family Homes
Apt, Condo, Other
Households in Manchester By The Sea earn significantly more money than the national median income, averaging 75% higher per household.
Manchester By The Sea has a median house price of $763,600, which makes it one of the most expensive places in the United States to own property. The cost of renting in Manchester By The Sea is 29% more than the national average.
Percent | |
Renter Occupied Households | 38% |
New Construction (Built after 2000) | 5% |
The median age in Manchester By The Sea is 51. Manchester By The Sea has a population that is significantly older than in comparison to the US median age.
Manchester By The Sea ranks in the highest of the nation for having an educated population with more college graduates per resident than most areas.
Housing Data
Housing Comparison
Manchester By The Sea | Massachusetts | USA | |
Median Property Value | 763,600 | 385,400 | 217,600 |
Median Mortgage Payment | 3,077 | 2,108 | 1,513 |
Median Gross Rent | 1,301 | 1,208 | 1,012 |
Property Vacancy | 9.5% | 10.0% | 12.6% |
% Renters | 30% | 38% | 36% |
Residents per Sq. Mi. | 577 | 885 | 93 |
Personal Comparison
Manchester By The Sea | Massachusetts | USA | |
Median Household Income | 105,500 | 77,385 | 60,336 |
Median Individual Income | 52,213 | 41,700 | 33,646 |
Median Income (Full-Time) | 78,458 | 60,923 | 46,881 |
Median Age | 51.1 | 39.5 | 38.1 |
Labor Participation | 64.5% | 67.8% | 62.8% |
Attained College Degree | 61.2% | 43.4% | 32.0% |
Population Density Analysis
Manchester By The Sea, MA
Residents per Sq. Mile
The population density of Manchester By The Sea is comparable to that of a Suburban Area.
Major City
10,000 Residents +
Mid-Sized City
5,000 Residents +
Small City
2,500 Residents +
500 Residents +
100 Residents +
1 Residents +