Maps & Population Facts

Residents per Sq. Mi.
Labor Participaton
Bachelor's or Higher
Median Household Income
Median Individual Income
Median Individual Income(Full-time Workers Only)

Housing Estimates

Median House Value
Median Gross Rent
Median Mortgage Payment
Housing Units
People who reside in Montana live in:
Detached - Single Family Homes
Apt, Condo, Other

Montana is the 43rd most populated state and is the 4th largest state by land area. The state has experienced a 7% increase in population growth since 2010. Despite the population increase, Montana has the third lowest population density in the United States.

The terrain of Montana is of the roughest in the nation, with most of the rough terrain located on the west side of the state. Montana has 244 mountain peaks that have an elevation over 10,000 feet. A portion of Yellowstone National Park and the Rocky Mountains are located in Montana.


Households in the state of Montana earn less money than the national median income, averaging 12% less per household.


Montana has a median house price of $231,300. The cost of homeownership is comparable with other states. The cost of renting in Montana is 25% less than the national average.

Percent Ranking
Renter Occupied Households 31% 39th
New Construction (Built after 2000) 21% 23rd


The median age in the state is 40. The age of the general population in Montana is comparable with other US states.

Montana ranks average for having an educated population. The percent of residents who have a college degree is comparable with other states.

Map showing where the population resides in Montana
Household Income
Map depicting areas of Montana with a higher household income
Home Value
Map illustrating home values in Montana
Vacant Property (%)
Map of Montana showing the areas with a higher percentage of vacant property

Housing Data

Housing Comparison
Montana USA
Median Property Value 231,300 217,600
Median Mortgage Payment 1,367 1,513
Median Gross Rent 759 1,012
Property Vacancy 17.1% 12.6%
% Renters 31% 36%
Residents per Sq. Mi. 7 93
Personal Comparison
Montana USA
Median Household Income 53,386 60,336
Median Individual Income 28,925 33,646
Median Income (Full-Time) 40,773 46,881
Median Age 40.0 38.1
Labor Participation 62.4% 62.8%
Attained College Degree 32.3% 32.0%

Population Density Analysis

The land area of Montana is:
the size of Rhode Island...
Visualization - Rhode Island
...the size of Texas
Visualization - Texas
Montana is 6 times more dense than Alaska...
People per Square Mile
Visualization - Alaska
...and is 1% the density of New Jersey.
People per Square Mile
Visualization - New Jersey


View Montana cities by:

Most Populated Cities

1. Billings 112,225
2. Missoula 87,427
3. Great Falls 70,334
4. Bozeman 57,273
5. Helena 56,927

Highest Household Income

1. Lambert 89,063
2. Northwest Yellowstone 81,587
3. Rosebud 81,354
4. Big Sky 79,250
5. North Custer 79,250

Highest Home Value

1. Big Sky 472,800
2. Gallatin Gateway 382,600
3. North Of The Yellowstone 347,800
4. Bozeman 335,700
5. Whitefish 335,100

Highest Gross Rent

1. Big Sky 1,440
2. Northwest Yellowstone 1,101
3. Woods Bay-Rollins 1,080
4. South Yellowstone 1,076
5. Bad Rock-Columbia Heights 1,066
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